Breaking The Spell: Free PDF
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Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
This one's pretty bad, I'm not clear on whether or not you believe in something so fundamentally false it might as well be "the moon is a hologram", or if you are intentionally spreading information you know to be false.
Yes, germ theory is real.
If Covid virus is real, why are you wasting your time talking to me instead of collecting the $1.5 million dollar prize proving it exists that mysteriously remains uncollected?
The document is about the ridiculousness of the isolation process of a virus. Did you read it? If so, please explain to me what part of this you disagree with. If you didn’t reading it and are just making statements about something you haven’t researched at all because someone told you it was true, you should go do the research. I’ve spent hundreds of hours of researching this. Don’t believe me; go find out for yourself.
This prize:
I don’t know what you mean in terms of why you would care about what specifically.
The prize is guaranteed. Think of it this way: if it could be proven, wouldn’t someone try to claim it?
Here is a short lecture on the history of germ theory:
Here is a discussion among 3 doctors discussing the isolation process of a virus:
Here is a well sourced and documented book on allopathic medicine and germ theory: What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker
Believe me - I completely get where you are coming from. I felt the same exact way when people in NNN started to presented these ideas to me, such that it took me about six weeks before I agreed to look into it, mostly because I see how much the control grid is lying about Covid so I wanted to try and figure out what actually was going on. I began by entertaining the idea that Covid itself was not real, and thought it impossible that all germ theory was fake. Yet, here I am, after hundreds of hours of research.
Believe it or not, no virus has ever been shown to exist. We are talking about a thing here, not an idea, or an emotion, or a wave. If the thing exists, show me the thing. We can see many things much smaller than an alleged virus with an electron microscope. Yet, no one can show me a virus.
You can see I am just trying to have a conversation with you about this. Like I said, don’t believe me - research this with an open mind if you are interested in it. The book I linked is fascinating.
Im happy to discuss this or answer any questions if you have a genuine desire to look into it.
No thinking person would trust that they would come up with the money regardless of the evidence presented to them. I've seen this game played before when people ask for evidence, and have it presented to them, then reject the evidence and yell debunked.
Let me be clear about this. I have personally seen bacteria with my own eyes with the aid of a microscope. Many, many, children have. This is not hard to do. Rejecting Germ Theory is a rejection of the evidence of bacteria itself.
You aren't the first person to unfortunately dive head-first into bullshit. There's more than a few people here who have. Hundreds of hours of affirmation bias doesn't help.
I suggest you actually try. You're correct, you can see viruses. Viruses can be presented to you. In fact, you can probably save yourself time and effort by literally getting the equipment necessary to look for them. Same with bacteria.