Some of them do. I was just in a thread where a few mentioned it as being a suspicious group. Most are blinded, as you say, by political wish fulfillment.
They see whites organizing, and this is automatically good for them no matter what form the organization takes. It follows from their belief that nothing matters except preservation of the white race.
They are obsessed with the physical and lack perspective. That’s why they focus on the Jews and blacks as the problem. What ConPro and Patriot Front share is a total lack of spiritual awareness. Without awareness of evil as a spirit, you have to blame something physical.
It’s the same reason why they find Hitler oh so wonderful. He was dealing with the physical problem in their eyes. He was also murdering Poles, but since he was also dealing with the evil they think is plaguing us now, it’s all good.
They are materialists. How they think that is going to help when our society is already dying because of people’s obsession with the physical, I don’t know, but that’s how Satan works.
Some of them do. I was just in a thread where a few mentioned it as being a suspicious group. Most are blinded, as you say, by political wish fulfillment.
They see whites organizing, and this is automatically good for them no matter what form the organization takes. It follows from their belief that nothing matters except preservation of the white race.
They are obsessed with the physical and lack perspective. That’s why they focus on the Jews and blacks as the problem. What ConPro and Patriot Front share is a total lack of spiritual awareness. Without awareness of evil as a spirit, you have to blame something physical.
It’s the same reason why they find Hitler oh so wonderful. He was dealing with the physical problem in their eyes. He was also murdering Poles, but since he was also dealing with the evil they think is plaguing us now, it’s all good.
They are materialists. How they think that is going to help when our society is already dying because of people’s obsession with the physical, I don’t know, but that’s how Satan works.
If you are angry, you can’t see the truth.