I'm asking this in KiA2 as to avoid the Jewish conspiracies since that isn't what this post is about (and Santa Inc. is obviously KiA-related).
I'm sure most people know the fallout of Santa Inc. and Seth Rogan's tweets about all the white supremacists. This begs the question (for me anyway):
Seth Rogan is a white guy, how the hell is he "Jewish" and not white? If you look up the history of the surname "Rogan", you get this: "[Rogan is of] Irish origin, and is an Anglicised form of the Gaelic name "O'Ruaghagain".
So can any white guy just convert to Judaism and start calling themselves Jewish and they are suddenly not white anymore? The whole "Jewish, not white" thing has never made sense since Judaism is a religion, not a color.
Or am I missing something?
*edit - thanks for all the replies guys, that makes sense.
I wonder, if you spend that much time with us, how long will it take until you start to notice some... inconsistencies from your side? How long until a lingo that is alien to your values start souring interactions with your friends?
Spending a solid ~4 hours a day on websites such as bunkerchan or resetera I've become quite intimate with the catchphrase "for the abyss stare back", hence the questions.
In the end, no one knows who you are, what's your deal, your story, I'm glad peoples like you aren't snuffed from this place, you're a good reminder.
The irish?
Lol Dr. "identity politics are for stupid people" jester:
Immediately deflects onto his identity group rather than defend his political opinions
Come now Jester, you're more than just your racial identity. You also talk a lot and are, by your own definition, an idiot.
Which identity?
Haha, you're such a little bitch. As soon as you replied my last 22 unrelated comments just got a single downvote each.
Totally unrelated to you avoiding owning up to your dumbassery though, I'm sure? That would make you just as bad as the stormcucks you cannot stop obsessing over downvoting you.