I started to notice that any racial group democrats target with the racial rhetoric always seems to end up worse off don't they?
Median Household Income, by race
135,000 - Jewish Americans
126,705 - Indian Americans
85,989 - Russian Americans
85,424 - Chinese Americans
76,665 - Canadian Americans
65,777 - White Americans
63,179 - -- Median American Household Income --
46,073 - African Americans
38,000 - Mexican Americans
49,963 to 28,745 - Native Americans
Bolded are the groups liberals have targeted over time.
Unbolded are the groups that have avoided being targeted by liberal race-politicking.
I could find this info for modern groups, does anyone know of a source over-time?
It's just an efficiency thing. If you intend to tear down the US and replace it with a glorious socialist state because the Republic of the United States isn't helping african americans rise up from poverty, it's much more efficient if you keep them in poverty until your work is done.
While I don't disagree, Thomas Sowell had a theory that liberal policies actually caused black people to be stuck in poverty.
Started to wonder in the last few years if this might actually be true.
I guess it depends on what you mean by "liberal".
The US version of the word essentially means socialist, so it would not be a surprise to see US liberals doing everything they could to tear down the capitalist state of the US, would it?