This is for the record...
I feel as if I am preaching to the choir, talking about how there has been a lot of cause to fear for the future. Rise of tyrannical governments, the march of what is effectively a secular Leftist cult, and assault on Western Culture by those who desire a single Globalist culture.
But what if I told you, thats only what the powers that be want you to believe? As has been said before: if they were winning, the propaganda would be unnecessary. And with that statement, I can already hear the blackpilled doomers complaining, but I will deal with that later.
If you need some starting proof, a few months ago, the Fabian Society (the group responsible for much of the ills of our current world) tried to declare an end to the culture war, because they are losing in it. The Fabians have whipped up their mob into a frenzy, which has allowed them some short-term power, but it has made it obvious what they are doing, and it turns out that a lot of people do indeed see it happening, and hate it. But their mob is so whipped up that they are effectively a self-driving machine who runs on their own bullshit in a self-feeding cycle. And that is bad for their cause.
Perhaps you are still unconvinced? Done worry, I have more. We start with the fact that more and more non-Leftist are starting to notice that they are indeed our enemy rather than just someone with a different opinion. And its resulting in opinions shifting. Perhaps the most important one is that trust in media can be described as "apocalyptic." Oh sure, the Democrats/Leftist still trust the media and are being influenced by the Globalist, but they were going to be anyway so that hasnt added to their ranks. Meanwhile, Independents have started turning against it, and the Right/Anti-Left is turning actively hostile. And stuff like what happened with the attempts to pretend nothing happened in Waukesha just further moves it along. Because while the Left is willing to live in their fake media-driven world, most average people know that its not normal to have your care frequently broken into. In fact, pretty much every major thing the Left is currently trying to push, most people know its crazy, and they are starting to fight back against it. Why do you think the school boards went crying to the Federal government, complaining about how the big bad parents are bullying them and leaving their shithole schools to start homeschooling in vast quantities, because they would rather not have their children brainwashed.
And that is where it starts. The counter-attack is here. There is a smaller, but older and wiser, individual I watch for some of my political commentary that put it in an interesting light. Essentially, you see the same sort of things happen all the time in war, including in political ones. The Left surprised the Right, doing things the average person never thought they would do, up to and including "fortifying" an election. Then in the months after their surprise attack, they have been on the offensive, taking anything and everything they wanted. This is where the tyranny and censorship comes in. But a sneak attack only works once, and once the moment is gone, and the enemy knows what you are doing, you better hope you had a Plan B. As it turns out, the Left did not. Much like the blackpilled doomers, they relied entirely on their tyranny and their "fortification" to win. But the Right has adapted to that. Enter: Scott Presler. Gay man and in general very much "non-traditional" by old school conservative standards. And the man who may have ensured Florida may stay Red for the foreseeable future. Also heavily involved in Virginia, and helped flip it. And this is just one man. Steve Bannon has thousands of such men winning in local offices, which is allow the Populist to run the Republican Party as their own personal instrument of revenge against the Left attempting to destroy their nation. And they are getting smart. A not often talked about aspect of what happened in Virginia is that many right-leaning Rural and Suburban counties held back their reported votes until the Cities reported theirs. Which means the "fortification" was too little, and therefore effectively meaningless.
And this was merely one state, one election. Not talked about as much is that across the country, the Left was utterly routed even with fortification attempts. New Jersey was much closer than it ever should have been, and next time they may not have the luxury, as now you will have a lot of Anti-Leftist who know you can win. Especially after a trucker with a few thousand dollar budget beat one of the most entrenched members of the New Jersey Senate. In Pennsylvania, the Right won a sweep, winning every judicial appointment up for grabs, kneecapping the power of the Governor who is an insane Leftist. Large swaths of Texas, with large Hispanic populations, showed that their shift toward the right was not a once off thing. Almost every schoolboard was won by the anti-woke. And that will continue, because even though the Fabians want to step back and get back into the shadows, their idiotic pets dont have the control to do that and are running around like the idiots they are shouting the plan to everyone, and more people are starting to believe them.
That is the thing about sneak attacks. They are not supposed to destroy you, they are supposed to make you surrender. If you dont, there are very few paths forward. Which is what the blackpilled dont understand. They want to take the bait and surrender because they believe the propaganda, instead of standing and fighting against an enemy so weak they need you to not fight as their only way to win. If you need someone to dopeslap you so that you stop marching around screaming about how its game over, do it. But find a post and start actually digging in and fighting. Plenty of others are doing it, and you even have some of the smart Leftist trying to run and hide because they can tell their reckoning is coming, and they dont want to be somewhere they can be found. They are openly talking about it now, and about how a lot of the up and coming members of the Right are absolutely wise to their tactics and theories, and wont be tricked as easily.
And if you need the ultimate proof: Kyle Rittenhouse. The whole media declared him guilty, did everything they could to threaten the jury along with their foot soldiers, and ran with false news, demanding what they wanted. And the jury, made up of normal people, looked at them, spit in their face, and said "Get bent, weirdos."
So, to the rest of you apes, stand your post, Get some fucking hype, and Hold! The! Fucking! Line!
And we are now at the end. Once again, if they were winning, none of what they have done would be necessary. Take heart to that. And with one final meme to set the tone, this is TheModernDaVinci signing off, for now.
I think your outlook is slightly too Americentric, and derives too many of its losses and wins from what happens there. The fact that there's a great mass of unspoken mistrust of MSM narratives and progressive idols was evident in Brexit, Trump's election, Corbyn's historic arsefucking, and various other outcomes around the world. The fact that most people have no time or sympathy for any of this is well known to the informational warfare agitators, who absolutely do not relent. And that's the point, they don't relent, but the normies do eventually.
I'd consider myself on the left, perhaps the Old Left(tm), under the definition that I believe in accountable (heavily underlined) government intercession in society to preserve fair outcomes for those with low resources. If society can't promise that, I don't know if there's much value in the concept of a 'society' in the first place, since it doesn't appear able to offer much to anyone. From this perspective, I've taken delight in every loss that the modern 'left' has taken in recent years. Every victory for anti-authoritarians - claimed as victories for the 'right', though I have no problem who claims the win as long as it happens - has kept extremely worrying global trends at bay.
But to the extent that anti-authoritarians are winning at all any more, it's only by fine margins, in irrelevant situations. Trump SHOULD have had the presidency if not for fraud. Rittenhouse SHOULDN'T have ever gone to trial. America managing to damage limit or claw these things back to a baseline is just flailing to recover sanity after the fact, and even then you end up dependent on eg. 12 people and a judge staying sane. This significant win for your country was a win on the defensive and a loss could have had repercussions for your entire culture. Constant legal tests of your rights will not produce the same sane, baseline outcomes forever.
Meanwhile, globally, the vaccine lies are utterly dominant. Governments are successfully pushing through unprecedented powers using laughable propaganda, economic blackmail and raw force. I am extremely blackpilled. I look at the average human being in the street these days and I don't see the same kind of creature I used to see. The extent to which they've sold out their pride and power of reason in exchange for a future promise of comfort, from the powers who are denying them the comfort in the first place... I've never seen anything like it. We're talking short time frames, so I hope all this doesn't last, but that's starting to seem like a pathetic hope. Due to technology, there's never been an age quite like this.
In Ireland, a few years ago, there were vigorous protests and opposition to the idea of new water tax rates. Now in 2021, a senator can propose no food purchases to the unvaccinated and there's not a peep. I think like you Americans, we'll all have to start taking our wins very small now, or else otherwise really crank the knobs to 11 and see where that goes. I wish I could say I'm ready and prepared for the latter, but I'm willing^2.
I'm open to whitepills, and speaking of small wins I'm currently preserving my sanity with an album release from a veteran band who kicked out a histrionic tranny and managed to put out some kind of masterwork in the messy aftermath.
To be quite frank: Its because we are some of the only ones fighting back. That is not to say that the rest of the West is taking it lying down. I have seen the protest against the mandates in Europe. But there is a lot less they are able to do about it than we can in the US. Because in Europe, there is a lot of top down control that makes it easier. Meanwhile, in the US it is deliberately set up so that a Federal bureaucrat cant even sniff without getting vibechecked by a State level politician. So Biden can say he wants use to begin every morning by praying in the lotus pose, and my state can tell them "Eat shit and die" and suffer no consequences. My area (Kansas) never really locked down except the first time, has been fairly lax on enforcement of things, and very few people wear mask. And we were still more strict than some of our fellow rural states because of a Dem governor who is going to get cockslapped come next year (it was a fluke of local politics she is even in in the first place).
Both true, but think about it this way.
They had to pull their "in case of emergency, break glass" move on Trump even after 4 years of fake scandals and doing everything they could to drive down his voters, who mostly were turned off by his tone. And that only BARELY dragged them over the line. But now, they are having to do it for damn near every election, which means they are having to pick and chose who they save. I guarantee you that they rigged New Jersey to get the win there.....BUT THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED! That is a D+15 seat, it NEVER should have been close. And then in Virginia, the cheating was kept to a minimum, because the Populist have acknowledged that the bell cant be unrung, and left-wing cheating is now just part of the game. So where they can, they will limit how much they can get away with (Virginia had some of their stuff "defortified" from 2020), and when that still isnt enough they will just turn out massive numbers and get creative with their reporting to keep the cheating as low as possible. So now the Dems are in trouble, and they may not have to resources to save everything.
As for Rittenhouse, true. He never should have been to trial. Which means now, just like with school boards, people are going to be paying attention to who they elect as DA. To make sure they are not just going to let Left-Wing terrorist off the hook, let Criminals walk because "incomprehensible Left Wing noises", and put anyone who defends themselves from the latter 2 on trial. So now the Left has a new front they need to defend on that no one had payed attention to before, which means more resources, which means less people they can keep saved.
The more fronts you have to fight, the harder it gets. And the Left just keeps making new fronts, because they cant help themselves and just keep making enemies.
Definitely doesnt seem like the kind of band that would have that sort of problem. And while its not my style, that is good to hear. I am into Melodic, Heavy, and Power Metal and its been a blast for me, with so many bands coming out with so much stuff its hard to keep up with it all. But of course, my top hype right now is still the new Sabaton album next year. They released Christmas Truce a few months ago, and now the rest of the album is sitting there taunting me. The one I am most interested in hearing though is a tossup between Dreadnaughts, Hellfighters, or Stormtroopers.
Also as regards the Sabaton vid, I generally hate metal music videos and I haven't enjoyed true/trad/power metal since some older Blind Guardian, but that vid is certainly among the best directed I've seen.
The most interesting thing about the Christmas truce for me besides the comradery (which Sabaton captures well), is how terrified it made the ruling powers. All state powers involved wanted to make sure that such a show of cross-faction sympathy could never occur again and implemented harsher punishments for resisting command. I'm sure such sentiment later influenced Stalin's Order 227, under which the Christmas trucers would have likely been shot as 'cowards'. Essentially our greater enemy always resides above, rather than beside (although ofc there's only so far you can push this; fuck all antifa goons for example).
Well...not really. Industrial Warfare (especially WW1) was what I got my history degree in, and the Christmas Truce was very much the last death rattle of Napoleonic, Pre-Industrial warfare. For one, even as famous as it became, it was a VERY limited event. Sure, you saw most of the line call a ceasefire for Christmas, but the fraternization between enemies only happened at a few points along the British and German section of the line. The French were in no mood to make peace with the people currently occupying parts of their land, and the Belgians even less so. But the British and Germans? There had been some who believed they would be allied with each other, and they had been on very good terms before the German invasion of Belgium (you have no idea how much better it would have been for the world if someone slapped the German generals and told them to stop being so autistically obsessed with their plans). They certainly werent going to turn around and end the war. This was still a time of nationalism, and they were going to fight for their nations. Its just that they had all been brought up with a sense of there being honor in warfare.
Come Christmas 1915, both sides high command were looking at ways to keep fraternization from happening...but they really didnt need to. By Christmas 1915, Gallipoli was raging. The Germans had cracked the first seal and brought forth chemical warfare. The Germans had sank Lusitania, in brazen defiance of pre-war naval norms. And of course, everyone had been stuck in trenches fighting a war they were told should have been over by now. They didnt need to stop anyone. No one was going to do anything like it again. Because the honor of Napoleonic warfare had died in clouds of mustard gas, hails of machine gun bullets, and then drowning face down in mud.
And yes, I do see irony in me being an optimistic person, but my area of interest is one of the most brutal, grinding, pointless, and hopeless wars in history.
As for your other comment, sounds like a trip. Like I said, I would have never expect those sort of problems in a Black Metal band. Glad you like it, even if its not my style (I prefer clean vocals, and I generally like the more optimistic tone of Heavy and Power Metal). I suppose I lucked out, because all of my favorite bands managed to avoid getting drawn into any sort of obvious TDS, and some of them have even said that they are more concerned with the authoritarian nature the world is going on. My top bands at the moment being Sabaton (as mentioned), Powerwolf, Brothers of Metal, Eclipse, Starset, and Smash into Pieces.