European history would beg to differ, what with all the conquering and wars and such...
Haven't you worked that out yet?
No, but I'm sure you'll assail me with all the reasons why I should embrace you're brand of cultural enrichment and replacement, and how it's oh-so different from the the "progressive" brand...
Heck maybe you should try running me down some more for wanting to put my nation and it's people first. That works like gangbusters when the left does it. /s
I'l give you credit, though, at least you're honest about your racism.
but would you do the same for Angela Merkel? Emmanuel Macron? Jeremy Corbyn? Justin Trudeau? They're the same race of as you after all, but they'd sell you to muslim slavers for a cup of coffee and a ham sandwitch.
Hell, Trudeau would probably do it while wearing a burka.
Fuck niggers mr civic nationalist. Only race matters. Haven't you worked that out yet?
European history would beg to differ, what with all the conquering and wars and such...
No, but I'm sure you'll assail me with all the reasons why I should embrace you're brand of cultural enrichment and replacement, and how it's oh-so different from the the "progressive" brand...
Heck maybe you should try running me down some more for wanting to put my nation and it's people first. That works like gangbusters when the left does it. /s
I'l give you credit, though, at least you're honest about your racism.
but would you do the same for Angela Merkel? Emmanuel Macron? Jeremy Corbyn? Justin Trudeau? They're the same race of as you after all, but they'd sell you to muslim slavers for a cup of coffee and a ham sandwitch.
Hell, Trudeau would probably do it while wearing a burka.