IE: A reallllllllllly nasty place:
About the only exciting Zelda news now is whenever Age of Calamity has updates: (which ironically their DLC Wave 2 is more exciting then Wave 1) since now we get to have a certain Yiga Captain! but alas that is 3rd party,. HOWEVER they DIDN'Tt say it's their final DLC so we could see a wave 3 next year.perhaps?
YET Nintendo INSIST on milking Animal Droppings for all it's worth instead of providing updates to their other Zelda titles, including their famed BOTW. Imagine if the LOZ got the Animal Crossing treatment where they keep dropping new stuff!
I'm talking about as a portable emulation machine cause I've heard it can do up to Wii U pretty good meaning Dolphin should be no issue. I'm curious how much resolution you can do with the settings before it struggles (the most expensive model). A lot of people were talking about dumping the Switch and getting that for a portable emulation machine much easier to carry then a laptop which often is a brick.
Sure, and none of that requires ruining it with windows.
I have lots of emulators that don't ruin windows. Obviously you don't know how to computer. I have PCEM even to operate legacy systems on period hardware unlike (cough) Virtual box (cough). Before Sarah had quit they had just gotten PCEM to emulate a Voodoo 3 FX which is VERY helpful on certain titles like Midtown Madness/Monster Truck Madness to render correctly otherwise it would look like crap.
Enjoy sucking off Bill Gates like a brain dead pleb. Every word you type is like nails on a chalkboard.
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