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Cowan is one of the schizos. I'm listening to your brighteon link right now, but I've heard a previous talk where he argues viruses don't exist (which was good) and then goes into how we're all crystalline water.
How funny, since what he is saying is exactly true!
Water research is all part of the actual science that is still being conducted by real scientist that aren’t participating in the institutional academic nonsense designed to gate-keep true knowledge, along with an additional financial incentive to prop up Big Food, Big Pharma, and prevent real innovation (i.e. free energy, anti-aging, etc).
If you actually take the time to study it yourself, you will discover that water is the battery of life, as well as acts as a receiver and transmitter of information. Indeed, the information and power processes of water are the very basis of our entire physical existence.
I would encourage you to actually research something before forming an opinion. Pollack’s book is the best starting point for water, and IMO arguably one of the most important scientific books ever written:
The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor https://www.amazon.com/dp/0962689548