It's not a revelation per se but there was one thing I found while I was learning Russian a little bit. I'm sure some of you know who Simo Hayha is. He was just a humble farmer who joined in the Finnish Army to defend his homeland and became a single deadliest sniper in the 20th century. I have always wondered why there's such a little info or movies of celebrating this guy. After finding out the true identity of hollywood, it all made sense. With so many people there having communist views, and all of Simo hayha's casualties were communist foot soldiers, they have no reason to celebrate this guy's life.
Here's the kicker. If you check his youtube documentary, about 99% of comments are positive and how badass he is and the rest 1% is how he is evil for killing people and if you probably check the people who made those comments are all leftists with communist belief. While I was learning Russian alphabets, I was curious of what the Russians thought of him since Simo Hayha killed enemy Russian Soldiers, and surprise surprise, their comments were also very positive of Hayha and admiring the patriotism and his badassery. That only fueled my belief communists and socialists are really hypocrites of the highest order. They will make countless movies about holocaust and how evil nazis are yet have they made any movies how horrible holodomor is? What surprised me was they make zero attempt at appearing impartial even back then yet we didn't notice a damn thing. I guess the mass brainwashing went back decades.
There's another observation I'd make that's sort of related but I find it will quickly attract highly sensitive people that will sperg out, I will have to wait on that.
I remember some website about assassins, or snipers and was rather impressed by "The White Death". Apparently he kept a journal, or wrote a biography that's in English now, will have to check it out. Him being Finnish though probably creates a lingual problem for Hollywood too, and their English speaking audience. edit: Blast, book not in English, oh well. See, we English speakers can't take it.