Wut dis mean? you bois dont remember when on october 29th, 2012, george misteriously announced the cancelling of 1313, and that he had burned up all the future script ideas for VII-IX, AND PUBLICALLY FORBADE any big companies from making successors to his properties? I member.
We have 40 years of great scifi to enjoy, dont let it go to waste just because we never got any new films or games after revenge of the sith and the force unleashed 🙃🙃👍
Wut dis mean? you bois dont remember when on october 29th, 2012, george misteriously announced the cancelling of 1313, and that he had burned up all the future script ideas for VII-IX, AND PUBLICALLY FORBADE any big companies from making successors to his properties? I member.
We have 40 years of great scifi to enjoy, dont let it go to waste just because we never got any new films or games after revenge of the sith and the force unleashed 🙃🙃👍