Lots of good info here. It really is a case of you having to be the change you want to see. Part of why I've started posting things more instead of just commenting or lurking.
TL:DR: Stay here on .win and post the content you want to see regularly and often. If people comment on your post, respond to them (it helps with the appearances of an alive and active community which will lead to more engagement).
Mainly with this part, but I guess the rest in general, but it's just interesting how a lot of this info sounds pretty similar to what youtubers have to do with building their audience, increasing community engagement, improving the odds the almighty algorithm promotes their material. Though I guess this is just 'basic' social media marketing.
Lots of good info here. It really is a case of you having to be the change you want to see. Part of why I've started posting things more instead of just commenting or lurking.
Mainly with this part, but I guess the rest in general, but it's just interesting how a lot of this info sounds pretty similar to what youtubers have to do with building their audience, increasing community engagement, improving the odds the almighty algorithm promotes their material. Though I guess this is just 'basic' social media marketing.