It doesn't help the Goolag censors any results from this site. That's a problem that will have to be solved or worked around before it can replace Faggit. The admins are also going to need to be a bit more hands on wrt to situations like the metacanada head mod going full blown tranny janny, especially if they start allowing users to create their own communities. We can't afford to allow cancerous shitholes like r/AHS and r/SRS to set up shop here and continue attacking the communities they harassed off of Faggit. Despite those obstacles I still think this site has the best shot of displacing the festering sewer run by Steve "Spez" Cuckman and his troon harem.
It doesn't help the Goolag censors any results from this site. That's a problem that will have to be solved or worked around before it can replace Faggit. The admins are also going to need to be a bit more hands on wrt to situations like the metacanada head mod going full blown tranny janny, especially if they start allowing users to create their own communities. We can't afford to allow cancerous shitholes like r/AHS and r/SRS to set up shop here and continue attacking the communities they harassed off of Faggit. Despite those obstacles I still think this site has the best shot of displacing the festering sewer run by Steve "Spez" Cuckman and his troon harem.