Proving conclusively that they never cared about civil liberties in the slightest, and were simply using it as a vehicle for marxism the whole fucking time.
Foundational to Marx's analysis was that women, as a sex class, are oppressed because of their sexed bodies. The ACLU and anyone advocating for the Trans Industry is not and cannot be a Marxist for the very fact that they don't believe in biology.
Foundational to your retarded repetitive posts here, nobody gives a shit about the technicality here. Marxism, communism, who fucking cares the LITERAL interpretation -- the people employing communist techniques certainly don't.
Stop hiding behind Marx and being a fucking retarded internet "BUH BUH NO TRUUUEEE COMMUNISM" copy-paste bullshit. If you're a commie you're no better than whatever these fucks are doing, no matter the technical definition.
Proving conclusively that they never cared about civil liberties in the slightest, and were simply using it as a vehicle for marxism the whole fucking time.
Foundational to Marx's analysis was that women, as a sex class, are oppressed because of their sexed bodies. The ACLU and anyone advocating for the Trans Industry is not and cannot be a Marxist for the very fact that they don't believe in biology.
Foundational to your retarded repetitive posts here, nobody gives a shit about the technicality here. Marxism, communism, who fucking cares the LITERAL interpretation -- the people employing communist techniques certainly don't.
Stop hiding behind Marx and being a fucking retarded internet "BUH BUH NO TRUUUEEE COMMUNISM" copy-paste bullshit. If you're a commie you're no better than whatever these fucks are doing, no matter the technical definition.
You sound like a moron when you cite Marx and clearly have no fucking idea what Marx believed or wrote about.
I thought I told you to get Marx"s dick out of your mouth?