I live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and where I am I get like 6 free classic tv digital channels. One of them started showing Mike Hammer episodes from the 80s and it made me go out and buy some of the original books along with the Maltese Falcon. Any other hard boiled detective stories y’all could recommend?
I remember thinking that the genre would be great today but considering the time we live in I’m not interested. I know HBO did a reboot of Perrry Mason but considering modern HBO I haven’t watched it.
Ms. Tree comics by Max Allan Collins and artist Terry Beatty. She's a total badass, a hero woman character done right in the pulp noir setting. Mistress/Secretary of the late Mike Hammer. Her first name is Michael too, which is a big LOL all these years later. Originally published in the early 1980s, they don't just turn her into a man to make her seem cool. She's undoubtedly Ms. Michael Tree, and she's one mean mother. I'm really hoping this property doesn't one day get ruined by SJWs because it's awesome just the way it is now.
Thanks! Will check it out.