Now that's a movement I'd fight for. We should give the freaks currently squatting on those 4 letters a taste of their own medicine and colonize them and drive them out. They can have P. They'll feel right at home amongst P's current inhabitants since they all share the same interest. For extra fun the current P's can claim to be oppressed by the newcomers muscling in on their fondle territory. A good time will be had by all.
Now that's a movement I'd fight for. We should give the freaks currently squatting on those 4 letters a taste of their own medicine and colonize them and drive them out. They can have P. They'll feel right at home amongst P's current inhabitants since they all share the same interest. For extra fun the current P's can claim to be oppressed by the newcomers muscling in on their fondle territory. A good time will be had by all.
Let's Go Brandon Teens?