keep as little as necessary in emergency funds the rest should be an asset classes, never savings/checking/moneymarket.
I keep most of my savings in primers, powder, brass and lead, although I did invest several thousand dollars in rice, wheat and beans this year, all of which have gained substantially against the dollar
Got a question about that. What would be better: paying off your house payments or invest your money in something else ? What would be safer? Also what would be safer to invest in, real estate or stocks or maybe crypto?
I wouldn't do stocks. NYSE might become insolvent at some point. For real estate it depends, the main risk is how property ownership is gonna work in the future. Maybe it gets seized, maybe not. Crypto is also risky since if it gets criminalized, or the internet goes down, it will go down by a lot.
Also it depends on your living situation. If you live in a city or don't own your own property I'd probably do crypto since you can keep it in a brainwallet. If you own a house in a red state then I'd probably just buy gold or collectibles (such as vintage video games) since those will likely retain their value longterm
keep as little as necessary in emergency funds the rest should be an asset classes, never savings/checking/moneymarket.
I keep most of my savings in primers, powder, brass and lead, although I did invest several thousand dollars in rice, wheat and beans this year, all of which have gained substantially against the dollar
Got a question about that. What would be better: paying off your house payments or invest your money in something else ? What would be safer? Also what would be safer to invest in, real estate or stocks or maybe crypto?
I wouldn't do stocks. NYSE might become insolvent at some point. For real estate it depends, the main risk is how property ownership is gonna work in the future. Maybe it gets seized, maybe not. Crypto is also risky since if it gets criminalized, or the internet goes down, it will go down by a lot.
Also it depends on your living situation. If you live in a city or don't own your own property I'd probably do crypto since you can keep it in a brainwallet. If you own a house in a red state then I'd probably just buy gold or collectibles (such as vintage video games) since those will likely retain their value longterm