Oh, and there was a color-negative Domino in Deadpool 2, of course. For which they literally killed a black woman because they just needed a retarded fucking afro in a motorcycle scene, and also wouldn't even use any white stuntswoman for an actually white character.
Now she's dead for Deadpool. As to quote Engels eagerly awaiting what he thought will be complete extermination of reactionary Southern Slav "racial trash" nations by revolutionary Germans:
Oh, and there was a color-negative Domino in Deadpool 2, of course. For which they literally killed a black woman because they just needed a retarded fucking afro in a motorcycle scene, and also wouldn't even use any white stuntswoman for an actually white character.
Now she's dead for Deadpool. As to quote Engels eagerly awaiting what he thought will be complete extermination of reactionary Southern Slav "racial trash" nations by revolutionary Germans:
and they were told that she wasnt going to be ready for it, but muh woke was more import to them.