They failed at the trials to remove him despite crying Russia conspiracy over and over and over and over and they even tried to impeach him despite not being President anymore and made it so he has no way to ever speak again,etc. So do you think COVID was a two way message to silence him and make sure we can NEVER EVER even HOPE to have a fair election.
It sends a message to him and to those who may think of voting Conservative so they will be scared and go back to the Never Trump camp which then is Biden by default! They don't care you don't vote they will use that as confirmation that Biden is right so by 'not participating' you ARE participating!
They were shocked at the staggering rallies Trump held and it scared them shitless and made 'Never Trumper's even pee their pants. I hope you all are happy with your choices as your soul does NOT deserve saving and frankly I won't bother to save you from the eternal damnation that awaits! Your not worth the energy.
Great, now the true test of a hypothesis; predictive power.
What happens next, if your model of the world is accurate?
The amount of young men with heart problems will rise exponentially. Third and fourth jabs will make the issue 5x worse at least.
Countries will miraculously all agree "misogyny" is a problem. Think the Facebook "whistleblower".
Ahead of the midterms, the feminist movement will run anti-transgender GOP members, who will claim there is a war on women.
These are plants to prevent any useful progress against their plan from a Trump/DeSantis presidency.
To be fair, this one is an absolute given with the skyrocketing childhood obesity rates.
I should have said specifically vaccine-induced.
But yeah, the health of children is not good at all.