But yeah, I imagine the entire year will be filled with promoting the Rainbow Reich propaganda, as NihilistCaregiver pointed out, it will demoralize the heteros while they continue their heterophobia and media-focused hetero-conversion as everyone and their mother joins the alphabet soup parade.
They're really pushing heavy to de-populate first-world nations, and if the vaxx doesn't get you then they're hoping to corrupt or convert young girls and boys into their cult of iniquity.
It’s gonna be all twelve pretty soon.
You stole my comment, ha!
But yeah, I imagine the entire year will be filled with promoting the Rainbow Reich propaganda, as NihilistCaregiver pointed out, it will demoralize the heteros while they continue their heterophobia and media-focused hetero-conversion as everyone and their mother joins the alphabet soup parade.
They're really pushing heavy to de-populate first-world nations, and if the vaxx doesn't get you then they're hoping to corrupt or convert young girls and boys into their cult of iniquity.