Nobody on .win says it's wrong to want whites to survive.
"White nationalism" means many things to many people so it isn't a very helpful term. Many equate it with white supremacy and racial prejudice, and the FBI is targeting this so they say.
Out of your OP, this much almost has some relevance on .win:.
only a brainwashed redditor Jannie in denial could pretend discussing the jewish origins of marxist/leftist Critical Race Theory/Feminism is going to bring down the FBI/CIA/SWAT upon this site and everyone who uses it.
Most of us know this. Some idiots go overboard, get in hot water, then claim "they were banned for naming the Jew." No they weren't. I've said things much more specific than this since day 1 went public and never had a comment deleted. It's valid to discuss legitimate problems, such as who owns the Fed, they owned the AP first, created the CFR to have Marxism taught in schools, and created big pharma. That we've all been slaves to debt since 1913.
And plannedemic is the culmination of their plans.
, then claim "they were banned for naming the Jew." No they weren't.
They were though. RedPillComedy user got banned for saying jews play both sides and you saw that thread yourself. Also you go around multiple dotwin sites doing nothing but defending jews so you cant talk.
Guarantee you RedPillComedy said more than "Jews play both sides" to get banned, don't be idiotic.
Rothschild played both sides during Napoleon's era. There were 3 of them involved. They were Jewish by descent, not practicing the religion. They literally profited from both sides of the war, and that doesn't mean just interest. Napoleon never could've raised an army without them.
That's not defending Jews, and nobody ever got banned anywhere on .win for saying that. Stick to facts not insults and anybody will be fine.
.... Except that is literally all he said, you saw it in his thread he got banned after that. And you do defend them. "Dispel falsehood" oh you mean like how the left "fact checks" conservatives ?. You love to call it whatever you want to censor others.
Nobody on .win says it's wrong to want whites to survive.
"White nationalism" means many things to many people so it isn't a very helpful term. Many equate it with white supremacy and racial prejudice, and the FBI is targeting this so they say.
Out of your OP, this much almost has some relevance on .win:.
Most of us know this. Some idiots go overboard, get in hot water, then claim "they were banned for naming the Jew." No they weren't. I've said things much more specific than this since day 1 went public and never had a comment deleted. It's valid to discuss legitimate problems, such as who owns the Fed, they owned the AP first, created the CFR to have Marxism taught in schools, and created big pharma. That we've all been slaves to debt since 1913.
And plannedemic is the culmination of their plans.
They were though. RedPillComedy user got banned for saying jews play both sides and you saw that thread yourself. Also you go around multiple dotwin sites doing nothing but defending jews so you cant talk.
I don't "defend Jews." I dispel falsehood.
Guarantee you RedPillComedy said more than "Jews play both sides" to get banned, don't be idiotic.
Rothschild played both sides during Napoleon's era. There were 3 of them involved. They were Jewish by descent, not practicing the religion. They literally profited from both sides of the war, and that doesn't mean just interest. Napoleon never could've raised an army without them.
That's not defending Jews, and nobody ever got banned anywhere on .win for saying that. Stick to facts not insults and anybody will be fine.
.... Except that is literally all he said, you saw it in his thread he got banned after that. And you do defend them. "Dispel falsehood" oh you mean like how the left "fact checks" conservatives ?. You love to call it whatever you want to censor others.
Do you always lie?