This is how communist takeovers happen. They slowly but surely arrest and lock away any political dissidents until people either submit or there's no one else left.
The fact that so many people in western society are either perfectly ok with it or completely ignorant to what's happening says a lot about how self-serving and apathetic our cultures have become.
We really are at the end of an era and fully on the brink of societal collapse. Of course, as Governments in these situations typically do, they'll still give off the illusion that we live in a "democracy" where people have a choice, but it won't actually exist in any practical sense and we'll essentially be ruled over by the rich elites like peasants — similar to how many totalitarian states claim they're "democracies."
Decadence and hedonism have taken root to such gross levels that people won't actually give a shit until it's far too late. As long as their comfort isn't disrupted they have no reason to care.
The absolute best thing that people can do is prepare for what's to come. It's not like it really hurts either way anyway, right? It's all shit that can serve you well in the future regardless.
This is how communist takeovers happen. They slowly but surely arrest and lock away any political dissidents until people either submit or there's no one else left.
The fact that so many people in western society are either perfectly ok with it or completely ignorant to what's happening says a lot about how self-serving and apathetic our cultures have become.
We really are at the end of an era and fully on the brink of societal collapse. Of course, as Governments in these situations typically do, they'll still give off the illusion that we live in a "democracy" where people have a choice, but it won't actually exist in any practical sense and we'll essentially be ruled over by the rich elites like peasants — similar to how many totalitarian states claim they're "democracies."
Decadence and hedonism have taken root to such gross levels that people won't actually give a shit until it's far too late. As long as their comfort isn't disrupted they have no reason to care.
The absolute best thing that people can do is prepare for what's to come. It's not like it really hurts either way anyway, right? It's all shit that can serve you well in the future regardless.
I should mention that Alberta has a huge unsecured boarder with the united states.
The national socialists of canada are running the show, it seems.
Try China. Dominion voting machines. You don't think Canadians would vote for this would you?
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