My handedness has been both a hinderance and a secret skill. My brain had to rewire itself to navigate a right-oriented world, which gave my abstract thinking skills a real boost. I am also adept to the arts. I've found success in the creative fields, mostly writing and music. I can also play six instruments. My handedness has been a pretty big factor in my life, unlike a mole. But you're just being a snarky dickhead kid anyway.
And you are being willfully obtuse to the point I made. Being proud of an accomplishments is good and fine. Being proud over shit you had no control over is dumb. You are not proud of being left hand dominant you are proud of the accomplishments you have made while being left hand dominant. Being proud of being left handed in the nature of the post I made would include being proud to be left handed because of the accomplishments of other left handed people. That is stupid. Your left handedness had nothing to do with their accomplishments. Taking pride in their accomplishments is like self appointing yourself a participation trophy on the merit of a dice roll making you left handed as well.
I'm proud that I'm left-handed..
Might as well be proud of a mole on your body or a birth mark too in that case
My handedness has been both a hinderance and a secret skill. My brain had to rewire itself to navigate a right-oriented world, which gave my abstract thinking skills a real boost. I am also adept to the arts. I've found success in the creative fields, mostly writing and music. I can also play six instruments. My handedness has been a pretty big factor in my life, unlike a mole. But you're just being a snarky dickhead kid anyway.
And you are being willfully obtuse to the point I made. Being proud of an accomplishments is good and fine. Being proud over shit you had no control over is dumb. You are not proud of being left hand dominant you are proud of the accomplishments you have made while being left hand dominant. Being proud of being left handed in the nature of the post I made would include being proud to be left handed because of the accomplishments of other left handed people. That is stupid. Your left handedness had nothing to do with their accomplishments. Taking pride in their accomplishments is like self appointing yourself a participation trophy on the merit of a dice roll making you left handed as well.