I know everyone who works at vice has a room temp IQ and lives off iced coffee, frozen burritos from their local bodega (we only have those in Brooklyn*,) and two buck chuck but you'd think someone would have a moment of critical thought in between "straight men need to shove cactus' in their ass to avoid homophobia" articles.
I know everyone who works at vice has a room temp IQ and lives off iced coffee, frozen burritos from their local bodega (we only have those in Brooklyn*,) and two buck chuck but you'd think someone would have a moment of critical thought in between "straight men need to shove cactus' in their ass to avoid homophobia" articles.
*https://twitter.com/alisonleiby/status/1333534998826262528?lang=en This wonderful person has never heard of a convenience store. https://archive.md/uPqjz Reminder that journalist's brains function at a lower level than the rest of society and they don't understand humans need water to remain healthy.