It’s very weird their new doubling of their hatred for Lee. After the war he encouraged former confederate soldiers and officials to apply for citizenship and take the required oath and did it himself as an example. He essentially used his platform of celebrity to push the south to move on at many speaking events. and then lived out the rest of his days not stirring up resentment but reconciliation.
Just look at how he ran Washington university (now/for now Washington and Lee University). Or his freeing of all the slaves he and his wife inherited, or his pushing for emancipating the slaves during the civil war. Or his views on succession (he was not a fan of the idea). Literally the only thing that made him side with the south was his home state Virginia left the union.
Even his enemies had nice things to say about him at the end of the war.
It’s very weird their new doubling of their hatred for Lee. After the war he encouraged former confederate soldiers and officials to apply for citizenship and take the required oath and did it himself as an example. He essentially used his platform of celebrity to push the south to move on at many speaking events. and then lived out the rest of his days not stirring up resentment but reconciliation.
Just look at how he ran Washington university (now/for now Washington and Lee University). Or his freeing of all the slaves he and his wife inherited, or his pushing for emancipating the slaves during the civil war. Or his views on succession (he was not a fan of the idea). Literally the only thing that made him side with the south was his home state Virginia left the union.
Even his enemies had nice things to say about him at the end of the war.