"How to end the American obsession with driving"
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The one thing we're not allowed to talk about is the "crazy homeless guy" problem most public transit systems in major US cities have. Everyone I know who rides transit as part of their normal commute has at least one such story. And the transit authorities and city administrators are unable or unwilling to address that particular issue.
Beyond that mask and vaccination requirements on all forms of public transit pretty much ensure that unless I can drive somewhere I will not go there. And since at this point it's obvious that my enemies see all forms of public infrastructure as tools of social control to be used against their enemies (ie. me) I have no desire to give them even more control over my life.
And because I have zero interest in actively interacting with Dindu Nuffins. Public infrastructure actually means "the social detritus we make you subsidize gets to interact with you on a personal level; hope you don't mind the smell of Swisher Sweets and BO!"