Far-right groups are warning their followers that a September 18 rally could be a government trap.
Yes, because we have eyes, and can see out of them, and we can interpret the shape of objects when light reflects off said objects.
I almost wonder if The Proud Boys were doing an internal "Aggressive Recon":
The USAF used to intentionally fly squadrons of nuclear capable bombers at Soviet Air Defenses in order to gather intelligence on enemy defenses that would only be active if they were very concerned that there was an imminent attack; including radar sites that were further inland and were otherwise invisible.
In this case, I'm wondering if they were intentionally pushing this shit about how they're going to protest in DC; then see all the people who suddenly get super interested in it, and then remove every single one of those people for being federal agents because they are obviously federal agents.
Yes, because we have eyes, and can see out of them, and we can interpret the shape of objects when light reflects off said objects.
I almost wonder if The Proud Boys were doing an internal "Aggressive Recon":
The USAF used to intentionally fly squadrons of nuclear capable bombers at Soviet Air Defenses in order to gather intelligence on enemy defenses that would only be active if they were very concerned that there was an imminent attack; including radar sites that were further inland and were otherwise invisible.
In this case, I'm wondering if they were intentionally pushing this shit about how they're going to protest in DC; then see all the people who suddenly get super interested in it, and then remove every single one of those people for being federal agents because they are obviously federal agents.
Would certainly be the smart way to go about it. Put out a message saying "We are going to go to DC to protest on the 18th."
If the individual responses "No, BAD! BAAADDD Idea! Stay the hell away from that accursed city!", then tell them they passed the shit test.
If they say "This seems like a great idea, lets do it!" ask them "Ok Fed, who are you working for?" then yeet them out the door with absolute haste.
No no no
"This seems like a great idea, let's do it!"
"Sweet! I got some ideas. Who can we trust?"
"Oh I know this guy!" lists of the names of several other agents