Look, I get it. I can be pretty extreme, and pretty inflammatory, on some issues, at times. Which is odd, really, when you consider that I'm probably fairly close to a political "moderate", as compared to some of you.
I care far too much about certain things. Perhaps I value individual freedom more than you do. Fine. Perhaps I have less to lose than you do. Fine. Perhaps I trust the government less than you, and trust the cops, and courts, less than you do. Also fine.
But, with all that in mind, I must say that I'm finding some of the comments and posts, from some of you here, in recent days and the last couple of weeks, really do come across like some sort of... Controlled demoralisation, or something.
"Obey the law, bruh". "Think of your family, bruh". "Your job is more important than your freedom!". "They mean well!". "The pendulum always swings. It'll all be ok in the long term!". "Think of the collective good, dude!" "At least you're safe!" "You don't want a criminal record, bruh!"
I see all of this shit, and more, all over posts on this "community", now. And I really never thought I would see that, from here. Just the... Sheer amount of fear porn, and of "We should obey the government" is really quite... Disconcerting. And some of it is even coming from those of you who I normally find myself agreeing with, at least partly...
So here's my request: this isn't Reddit. Stop being so damn afraid of your respective governments. Stop being afraid to step on official toes, and to work outside the fucking law, in particular the emergency powers that these megalomaniacs have given themselves. Stop telling others to be afraid, or "You really don't wanna do that, bro". Sure, call out violence. Do not do that shit. But telling people to comply, and to just... Suck it up, and play along? You're better than that, or at least, you should be.
Sure, we need to be smart about this, and disobey in ways that are effective, and necessary. But to think the law will protect you, or that you should just play along, to keep the status quo, because you "value your job" so much? Well, I'm sorry, but that just ain't gonna cut it for some of us, anymore.
That represents wanting to legislate symptoms; while ignoring the need to adapt to the cause...temptation aka the choice of want over need aka ignorance. The so called master first suggests others to consent to be slaves, and the so called slaves consent to the suggestions of a master. Both choose want over need before the labels of master and slave are applicable. Afterwards they all reason about the wants vs not wants of each label; but seldom about the choice that causes the conflict. We ignore that we judge behavior not upon balance; but upon the choices of ignorance towards balance. "detestable" and "pity" are aimed at those who already chose want over need; yet that's not what you judge them for. We are being deceived to try to find a balance by reasoning about choices; when balance predefines having a choice.
SOCI'ETY, noun [Latin societas, from socius, a companion] - "the union of a number of rational beings" aka unity of ONEs. That represents the suggested inversion of the collective ALL segregating itself into individual ONEs for growth within loss. ALL represents ONE in energy aka the ONEness of ALL; which is why each individual ONE needs to react to ALL for the sustenance of ONEself...not for other ONEs. Growing self is what unites the ONEs who choose to react the same within ALL. Plant a seed and an ecosystem will grow around it aka growth attracts growth.
The parasites have a sleight of hand for this...High (flow) Lander (form)..."there can be only ONE" And from its soundtrack..."I am immortal. I have inside me blood of kings. I have no rival. No man can be my equal. No man could understand. My power is in my own hand"
PROB'LEM, noun [Latin problema; Gr. to throw forward]. It's lack of comprehension representing form thrown forward through flow. The "inclination to solve" therefore represent the want to dissolve form back to flow aka ignorance of need (sustenance of form within flow). Within balance "to dismiss" represents ignorance by choice; "to disdain" represents judgement within balance upon others; which ignores choice reacting to balance for sustenance of self, and the "bubbling up of nature" represents the velocity of flow inspiring formed potential to grow...at the cost of constant loss through velocity.
Also; both social (companion aka another ONE; which implies ignorance of ONEself) and animal (from anima, air, breath, soul) represent suggested rhetoric from our parasites to deceive us from comprehending this system.
ESOT'ERIC, adjective [Gr. interior, from within.] The within represents a reaction to the outside (and ALL represents ONE in energy). Dogs instinctively use choice to evaluate offered value within movement; hence being domesticated to associate suggested values with shaped sounds (words) repetitively suggested to them. It dulls their senses. If one uses whistling instead to get attention; followed by signs as inspiration for reaction; they automatically sense urgency in ones behavior...sound; smell, movement; stance etc.
TRAIN, verb transitive [Latin traho] - "to draw along" aka drawing other form along in accordance to our wants towards the end of form within flow; hence choice of response representing responsibility.
In this case he uses implication (if/then) over reason (true vs false)...if biscuit leads to him getting a biscuit; then he gets domesticated to evaluate the suggested word "biscuit" as value, and when a similar word is suggested (discus); he remembers and will use implication to see if he gets another biscuit. If not; he will eventually catch up to you trying to trick him with similarities.
As mentioned above...to train represents our wants upon others aka grasping them; claiming ownership over them. The internal nature is the same (balance/choice for self sustenance); it's the potential to use choice upon balance that is different; like memory capacity; which we corrupted through consent to reason (true vs false) to cause us to ignore adaptation for internal conflict about meanings; suggested to us by others.
The dog doesn't reason; because he didn't consent to believe in suggested true or false meaning; instead he still instinctively adapts while using implication (if/then aka the consequences of reaction within movement).
The parasites suggest a system of suggestion to deceive us to ignore the system that offers the choice to suggest. That's why suggestions can so easily trick us to submit will to will without even realizing it. Sneering doesn't help; since we sneer at a function of movement that others lack comprehension of. That's the "ignorance breeds insolence" issue I wrote about before. We cannot blame each other for choosing the choice of ignorance (want over need); we need to grow responsibility by using choice in response to balance and let the reaction speak for itself. There are no shortcuts within balance.
Reason (true vs false) ignores implication (if/then), so what represents the implication of using ROBUST', adjective [Latin robustus, from robur, strength.] TOOLS (a means to an end) for form within flow? Adding to this...the strength of flow represents velocity; while the strength of form represents resistance.
Will (of choice) represents the power of resisting the velocity of flow through balancing; which doesn't represent a needed "aspiration towards"; but a demanded response(ibility) to balance by choice (adaptation).
Movement form beginning inception) towards end (death) represents the narrow path; comprehending the potential in-between (life) represents the momentum for choice.
The function of ALL energy represents self sustenance and so for all the ONEs within. Any other "wanted" intent ignores the predefined need for self sustenance.
Aka shaping ONEself by adherence to ALL aka growing potential by adherence to potentiality offered.