What happened is here is that they essentially gutted the existing AB 455 transportation bill and replaced all of this bill's contents with this mandated vaccine bullshit.
I would link you a different article on this bill but I don't think anyone else has written one yet.
god do I want to read any further; "AB 455 by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks"
After the article revs up with /insinuations/ - it then peters out quickly with,
What was gutted? The article never explains the gutted part ...and then I exited the word salad of this radicchio concoction.
California Globe is usually a deep dive of good journalism. This article is not. Please find a better version because I would like to read it.
Gut and amend bills in CA apparently means:
"When amendments to a bill remove the current contents in their entirety and replace them with different provisions."
What happened is here is that they essentially gutted the existing AB 455 transportation bill and replaced all of this bill's contents with this mandated vaccine bullshit.
I would link you a different article on this bill but I don't think anyone else has written one yet.
I hope this clears up your question!
It helps but ~ when these legislators are out of their minds how can the people expect to comprehend their madness?
The U.S. is at best only a few months away from going full blown Australia tier.
This won't stop until enough people say fuck off to the tyrants and refuse to follow these unconstitutional dictates.