tl;dr - NASA has agreed to delay work on their lunar lander, again, due to the worlds richest welfare queen filing yet another lawsuit because he couldn't get his way.
SpaceX had viable technology, was years ahead of their competition, has been sending shit into space for years. So, NASA, with a mandate from congress, awarded them one of what was supposed to be 3 contracts to build a competitive and fair priced program to get us back to the moon. That budget from congress got cut and no other competitor was even close to having a working design, let alone building a rocket, so NASA did not award anymore contracts. They are working on that limited budget and a timeline now.
Blue Iv...I mean, Origin, the bald cunt's penis enhancement project, (which is only something that exists so he can swing around at people for the simple reason that he can from being so rich) barely made their own launch window to send him and several other privileged people into low orbit. This was a publicity stunt and there is no second rocket to launch. Even Virgin Galactic is bailing on most of their plans. They have no working prototype, they have no viable plans, they are not even on the same playing field as India 10 years ago when it comes to their rocket program. There was no way in hell they should or could ever compete or complete for this Lunar Program.
But that doesn't mean the bald cunt is going to celebrate the achievements of others and admit defeat. No. He has the ability to waste money and delay the SpaceX/NASA project until it runs afoul of its own deadlines.
receipts, plural because no one article can tell you what is going on, what has happened, or what the petition to the court on behalf of Blue Origin says:
The suit, filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims on Monday, is sealed, but according to another filing, it 'challenges NASA´s unlawful and improper evaluation of proposals.' - Daily Mail
Brainless idiots maybe.
Dont you have to get back to eating out elons ass?
Honey, I know you're more than a little slow, but that's nasty and extremely unsanitary. Fingering, maybe, but no mouth goes near the ass. It's just déclassé.