I was listening to Eric July/Young Rippa and he was talking about that Emilia Clarke comic book and an interview she gave where she talked about how growing up the local comic book store made it clear that "girls weren't allowed" and the usual garbage about lack of female representation. At least she made an original character and didn't ruin yet another classic character, but still she made the same idiotic statement.
I swear they are all reading from the same script. If you are a woman who likes comic books, video games, etc., then go ahead and enjoy whatever hobby, but a hobby is not obligated to change to suit your needs. That goes for everyone but you generally see grifters like Zoe Quinn or Anita who push this message and for some reason companies listen to their garbage and ignore the fact that there were women who were in the hobby already. Just so tired of any hobby where white males are the majority being constantly attacked. I even remember an article saying that Star Wars had a "white male problem".
The cult of representation we see today kind of reminds me of when I was a kid and my friend a few houses over and I would play with our G. I. Joes and other action figures and have them fight wars or take a box top to make a wrestling ring. Sometimes his little sister would want to play but then complain about not wanting to do a wargame and then his mom would make us do what she wanted to do so we ended up incorporating her dolls into whatever family setting she wanted to do.
I will never understand the arrogance of people who enter a hobby, don't like what they see, and instead of finding a hobby they like they demand everything much change to suit their tastes.
I remember at my local comic book store (that also has a section for tabletop gaming) sitting down with people playing D&D or similar games and asking to learn about it and they are always willing to teach, but then again I am actually showing interest in what they are doing and not demanding it "represent me".
The stupid thing to me is I grew up around girls who were geeks. I grew up around girl gamers and the like...and I don't remember anyone really have an issue with it in my circles. In fact, we welcomed it! Why wouldn't you want to associate with a girl who has common interests and isn't just mocking you about it unlike some preppy fucking up-her-own-ass mainstream basic bitch?
The problem is the "basic bitches" jumped on the geek trend when the geek trend became cool and became "chic-geeks"
These people aren't geeks...they're "chic geeks"...they jumped on the trend when nerdy stuff became "cool" but of course, they have to make it all about them and their "oppression" because it covers the fact that they know fucking shit all and it's easier to cry victim then actually represent what you supposedly love. It's the same old story.
"Oh noes! He asked me a question I don't know...QUICK! Accuse him of being passive aggressive to cover up the fact I don't know the answer to something because I'm not what I say I am!"
Fuck these people! Fuck chic-geeks.
Or alternatively, let's be 100% honest here. Female friendships are passive aggressive as all fuck. I've seen it first hand. Women who will smile and joke with their girlfriends, but as soon as their back is turned, out comes the knife. And if not knife then very passive aggressive comments. I've seen it first hand with my own female friends in my circle.
Could it possibly be they misconstrue guys for doing the same thing when a guy is simply asking them a basic question in effort to find out if they have anything in common?