One thing in particular to mention is that I am shocked to see the majority of every ethnic group was against mandatory vaccinations except for Asians in which it was 45.4 percent in favor of mandating vaccinations vs 43.9 percent against mandates.
I think it also shows that there are a lot of people like me. The ones who think the vaccine is safe enough (though I personally question its effectiveness), but still believe it should not be mandatory.
One thing in particular to mention is that I am shocked to see the majority of every ethnic group was against mandatory vaccinations except for Asians in which it was 45.4 percent in favor of mandating vaccinations vs 43.9 percent against mandates.
Feels bad to see as an Asian American myself.
I think it also shows that there are a lot of people like me. The ones who think the vaccine is safe enough (though I personally question its effectiveness), but still believe it should not be mandatory.