The common cold is a coronavirus, and with the abuse of the PCR test protocols (over-amplifying until absurdity for more false positives to drive hysteria), it is highly likely that many cases of "COVID" were simply cases of the common cold (intentionally) misdiagnosed.
The establishment used this pattern of misdiagnosis to drive the notion that "having and recovering from COVID doesn't grant immunity", because it allowed them to test people who never actually had it.
The common cold is a coronavirus, and with the abuse of the PCR test protocols (over-amplifying until absurdity for more false positives to drive hysteria), it is highly likely that many cases of "COVID" were simply cases of the common cold (intentionally) misdiagnosed.
The establishment used this pattern of misdiagnosis to drive the notion that "having and recovering from COVID doesn't grant immunity", because it allowed them to test people who never actually had it.