The vast majority of women on only fans make less than 1000 total. Leftist hate porn but endorse “sex workers”. It’s a very weird stance they have. And if you ever see a documentary they put out endorsing sex work it is typically women you would be more likely to pay to not have sex with you and possibly not actually a women.
That's propaganda based off OnlyFans' own reporting.
It's not a weird stance if you think about it - the porn industry is women chosen by mostly men to do what men like.
The OnlyFans "industry" is based off exploiting people with feminist-induced mental issues for every cent they have. It's a very sadistic and therefore very feminine pursuit.
What part is propaganda based off only fans reporting? It would look bad on only fans if the majority of women make only 1000 or less total for nude photos of themselves. Sure there are a few pulling 6 figures but most would not be cool with the realization they did soft core porn for less than the average take home pay of a week for the lifetime of their only fans account.
Is your data not based off the little "You're in the top (blank)%" pop-up on their payment screen?
I never believe anything women or their allies self-report. They lie through their teeth constantly to cover up both what they've been up to and what their next move is.
The vast majority of women on only fans make less than 1000 total. Leftist hate porn but endorse “sex workers”. It’s a very weird stance they have. And if you ever see a documentary they put out endorsing sex work it is typically women you would be more likely to pay to not have sex with you and possibly not actually a women.
That's propaganda based off OnlyFans' own reporting.
It's not a weird stance if you think about it - the porn industry is women chosen by mostly men to do what men like.
The OnlyFans "industry" is based off exploiting people with feminist-induced mental issues for every cent they have. It's a very sadistic and therefore very feminine pursuit.
What part is propaganda based off only fans reporting? It would look bad on only fans if the majority of women make only 1000 or less total for nude photos of themselves. Sure there are a few pulling 6 figures but most would not be cool with the realization they did soft core porn for less than the average take home pay of a week for the lifetime of their only fans account.
Is your data not based off the little "You're in the top (blank)%" pop-up on their payment screen?
I never believe anything women or their allies self-report. They lie through their teeth constantly to cover up both what they've been up to and what their next move is.