For those looking for alternatives, Telegram is either centrally encrypted (normal "cloud chats") or end-to-end encrypted ("secret chats") and the liberals of Silicon Valley talk shit about it which suggests that it's the best option. Signal's encryption is adopted by spying companies like Facebook and Microsoft which is suspicious. Also Signal's leader hides his jewish name behind a stupid pseudonym, that's another red flag. Telegram has a lot more features and better apps.
For those looking for alternatives, Telegram is either centrally encrypted (normal "cloud chats") or end-to-end encrypted ("secret chats") and the liberals of Silicon Valley talk shit about it which suggests that it's the best option. Signal's encryption is adopted by spying companies like Facebook and Microsoft which is suspicious. Also Signal's leader hides his jewish name behind a stupid pseudonym, that's another red flag. Telegram has a lot more features and better apps.
If anyone is planning to use Telegram, get it from their website. The Play Store version has censorship. Or you can use Telegram-FOSS from F-droid.