With our group from the DoD (Department of Defense), we attempted to include an ivermectin included arm in the trial that we have pending with the agency as an IND right now, but the FDA raised so many objections and asked us to do some fundamental studies about demonstrating the mechanism of action of ivermectin that the Department of Defense decided that it just wasn’t worth the delay in time to get the trial started. And so they dropped the ivermectin arm.
Death rates from the vaccines could be extremely high...
So you mentioned that Israeli data and Dutch data. And I think both of those, actually, I have to ask you about this because they intersect in this relatively new paper that has come out, which I understand is actually potentially being withdrawn. Maybe I’ll get you to comment on that, but basically this paper, the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations, we should rethink the policy, and in their abstract, essentially they say for three deaths prevented by vaccination, we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. And that the conclusion is to rethink policy, but wow.
But the FDA and health authorities are purposely not counting death rates and accumulation of adverse effects possibly induced by the vaccines during "emergency authorization"...
The problem is we don’t know how severe they are in general. What is the bell curve distribution for severity? And what’s the incidence? And often the question is asked, why don’t we? And the answer is because the FDA elected during this phase of emergency use authorization to not require that the drug manufacturers rigorously capture adverse events and efficacy signals.
So we really have no idea what the actual adverse side-effects/death rates are because Aunt May dying of a heart attack could be from the vaccine or could be natural, but since the FDA aren't enforcing any kind of tracking, we literally have no idea what's natural and what isn't...
So we end up relying on really outdated antiquated systems that have been set up a decade or more ago for the most part or some systems that are self-reported like V-safe at the CDC, but those capture 1% typically of the events because they’re all self-reported.
And because they’re self-reported, there are problems in interpreting those data because someone might say, “Well, aunt Mary died two days after vaccination, and we’re going to report this.” And this is one of the big controversies is there’s a large number of deaths reported, but they’re not verified as being vaccine-related. And so there’s a real arm wrestling going on about what do those mean both in the US and Europe.
So the next time somebody you know or a celebrity dies of mysterious health circumstances, it could be natural or it could be the death jab. Since the FDA isn't enforcing the accrual of data, there's no way to know what the actual numbers are.
The most significant part is Big Tech's role in silencing any groups who are self-reporting adverse effects from the vaccines...
So let’s say this person goes on Facebook and joins the Facebook group that’s being created for people that have had believed they’ve had symptoms that have been triggered by vaccines. So there’s a group there. They build up to about 150,000 people. Facebook deletes them.
Now the practical implication is for this cohort of people that believe that they’ve had a vaccine, post-vaccination syndrome, whether or not they did, they’re getting all kinds of social messaging from the top of the government on down that these are perfectly safe vaccines. They couldn’t have had the symptoms that they’re experiencing.
They’re getting that from all the people around them. They’re not even able to communicate on social media with others. And they’re all isolated, of course, to discuss what their symptoms are, as opposed to somebody else’s symptoms. It is the ultimate gaslighting, and for these people, it is profoundly depressing.
Can you appreciate what I’m saying? I feel this is fundamentally wrong as a physician. We’re compromising not only people’s physical health, and we can argue whether their symptoms were related or not related. That’s the essence of this complaint against this paper is it can’t be proven with this type of database.
I mentioned before getting the vaccine is like playing Russian roulette... and, well here is the pioneer of RNA vaccine technology literally saying the same thing, just with more words.
FDA and DoD blocked ivermectin trials...
Death rates from the vaccines could be extremely high...
But the FDA and health authorities are purposely not counting death rates and accumulation of adverse effects possibly induced by the vaccines during "emergency authorization"...
So we really have no idea what the actual adverse side-effects/death rates are because Aunt May dying of a heart attack could be from the vaccine or could be natural, but since the FDA aren't enforcing any kind of tracking, we literally have no idea what's natural and what isn't...
So the next time somebody you know or a celebrity dies of mysterious health circumstances, it could be natural or it could be the death jab. Since the FDA isn't enforcing the accrual of data, there's no way to know what the actual numbers are.
The most significant part is Big Tech's role in silencing any groups who are self-reporting adverse effects from the vaccines...
By all accounts, if you actually care about someone and they're considering getting the death jab. Calmly persuade them not to. There are literally ZERO benefits in getting the death jab. It does not prevent you from contracting or spreading COVID: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/nearly-4000-fully-vaccinated-people-in-massachusetts-test-positive-for-covid-19_3868762.html
Nor does it prevent you from dying from COVID: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/4115-vaccinated-people-have-died-been-hospitalized-with-covid-19-breakthrough-infections-cdc_3876243.html
I mentioned before getting the vaccine is like playing Russian roulette... and, well here is the pioneer of RNA vaccine technology literally saying the same thing, just with more words.