posted ago by w-duranty6489 ago by w-duranty6489 +59 / -3

(Also on t_d: https://patriots.win/p/12jJPyTvDt/ )

So Americans have 2 problems:

  1. Leftists leaving their crime-ridden, high tax, freedom-hating, blue, Democrat-controlled cities, like California and New York. And moving to your crime-free, low tax, more free, Republican-voting red states. Then lefties change your state with lefty politics until it turns into Neo-California or New New York.

  2. Non-leftists are too retarded and unmotivated to go out and do activism. Which was why California turned from mostly apple farmers, to a leftist-run shithole where antifa beats street preachers to the ground in Los Angeles.

I offer a solution, with a fun name called Operation STAY BLUE:

Buy ads and billboards, spread FUD to reinforce the inherent leftist victim complex and paranoia to shame leavers. Then stroke the lefty ego to praise stayers.

This should reduce the leftist exodous, letting blue shitholes remain blue shitholes, while red states remain red.

  1. Run ads/billboards with anti-conservative FUD. Shame leavers as betraying the progressive cause and turning into bigoted Trumpkins.

  2. Run ads/billboards with praise for blue states and encourage stayers. Add "solidarity" and "unity" undertones to activate the leftist's unconscious Marxist sympathies and simple NPC conformity.

How do I spread anti-conservative FUD, and stroke the leftist ego?

It's very simple.

  1. How to spread anti-conservative FUD. Accentuate leftist biases against non-lefties. There's already "attack ads" Democrats ran against Republicans in the past. Study and copy these, call blue city leavers, traitors that enjoy the company of American flag-waving racist Trumpkins.

https://archive.ph/vy9TH https:// www. washingtonpost. com/opinions/lbjs-1964-attack-ad-daisy-leaves-a-legacy-for-modern-campaigns/2014/09/05/d00e66b0-33b4-11e4-9e92-0899b306bbea_story. html

LBJ’s 1964 attack ad ‘Daisy’ leaves a legacy for modern campaigns

The "Daisy" or "Peace Little Girl" ad attacking Barry Goldwater's advocacy of nuclear weapons was aired only once in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign, but it inspired many future campaign ads. (The Living Room Candidate)

By Drew Babb September 5, 2014

Fifty years ago, on Sept. 7, 1964, a political ad called “Daisy” aired on behalf of President Lyndon Johnson. The commercial opened with a little girl in a meadow, then a horrific nuclear blast filled the screen. We’ve been feeling the fallout ever since.

It was only a minute long. The paid ad ran on national television only once, and only on one network, NBC. But that’s all it took.

The takeaway? Johnson’s Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, was a crazed, trigger-happy cowboy. If his finger were ever on the nuclear button, the world would blow up. We’d all die.

But “Daisy” was a full-throated, gloves-off, take-no-prisoners negative message. Arguably, and for better or worse, it’s the Mother of All Attack Ads.

To execute the spot, the creative types didn’t just run still photos with a crawl of type. They used every weapon in their arsenal. They grabbed for viewers’ hearts with an adorable little girl (commercial actress Monique Corzilius). They tapped into viewers’ greatest nightmare with footage of a huge mushroom-shaped cloud. (Remember, this was less than two years after the Cuban missile crisis.) They reinforced the visuals with intrusive sound effects (provided by the genius sound engineer Tony Schwartz). They had Johnson read a snippet of spiritual poetry (by W.H. Auden). And they hired a voice-of-God baritone (sports announcer Chris Schenkel) to wrap things up.

https://archive.ph/WFCYg https:// www. washingtonpost. com/local/virginia-politics/virginia-ad-features-minority-kids-chased-by-truck-with-gillespie-sticker-confederate-flag/2017/10/30/7311fdda-bd6f-11e7-97d9-bdab5a0ab381_story. html

Virginia ad features minority kids chased by truck with Gillespie sticker, Confederate flag

By Fenit Nirappil October 30 at 1:53 PM 

Latino Victory Fund, a Democratic group on released a video ad featuring a pickup truck flying a Confederate flag and sporting a bumper sticker for Republican Ed Gillespie chasing a group of minority children. (Latino Victory Fund)

https://archive.ph/uUc51 https:// www. washingtonpost. com/local/virginia-politics/latino-victory-fund-pilloried-for-truck-ad-says-northam-win-is-vindication/2017/11/09/020f7c1e-c591-11e7-afe9-4f60b5a6c4a0_story. html

Latino Victory Fund, pilloried for truck ad, says Northam win is vindication

By Fenit Nirappil November 9, 2017

In the last week of Virginia gubernatorial campaign, Republicans howled with outrage over an attack ad against gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie that featured a white man in a pickup truck bearing a Gillespie bumper sticker and a Confederate flag menacing minority children.

Some predicted conservatives and independents would be offended by the ad, titled “American Nightmare” and vote for Gillespie in protest.

That backlash didn’t materialize; Democrat Ralph Northam won by nine points. And the organization behind the ad, the Latino Victory Fund, says it will continue to take a confrontational approach in future elections.

“For the first time ever, a Latino organization pushed back aggressively in defense of our community. When we faced vicious, racist attacks, we turned the other cheek,” said Cristóbal J. Alex, president of the Latino Victory Fund. “This time, we threw a jab to the throat. And we will continue to do so.”

The backlash was so strong that the Latino Victory Fund had to shut off its phones.

“The truth hurts, and so they lashed out,” Alex said.

https://archive.ph/qRg7X https:// www. theguardian. com/books/2021/jun/20/last-best-hope-by-george-packer-review-shrewd-analysis-of-americas-ruptures

Last Best Hope by George Packer review – shrewd analysis of America’s ruptures

George Packer finds the US caught in a ‘cold civil war’ between incompatible versions of the country after its ‘near-death experience’ with Donald Trump

Peter Conrad Sun 20 Jun 2021 02.00 EDT

The need for salvation became urgent before the election last November when Packer, having moved his family from Brooklyn to a Covid-free rural retreat, noticed a sign beside the road on a neighbouring farm. His car headlights flashed across a red rectangle branded with five white capital letters. Even here, Packer realised with a shudder, he was not safe.


Tom Elliott‏ @tomselliott 8 Jun 2021

NYT/MSNBC’s @MaraGay: In Long Island last weekend, I saw “dozens of American flags,” which was “just disturbing”

2:34 1.02M views

Mara Gay: 'Disturbing' Seeing ‘Dozens of American Flags’ in L.I.

"I was on Long Island this weekend ... and I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens & dozens of pickup trucks w/ expletives against Joe Biden ... Trump flags, and in some cases, just dozens of American flags, which is also just disturbing"

“Essentially the message was clear: ‘This is my country. This is not your country. I own this.’"

https://archive.ph/N2CzB https://nationalfile.com/jerusalem-post-uses-photo-of-white-men-with-confederate-flags-to-describe-rise-of-the-moors-militia-movement-for-black-men/

Jerusalem Post Uses Photo Of White Men With Confederate Flags To Describe ‘Rise of the Moors’ Militia Movement For Black Men

Jerusalem Post uses a photo of white men to describe a black militia group called "Rise of the Moors" represented by a man named Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey

by TOM PAPPERT — July 3, 2021

https://archive.ph/AyA0l https:// www. nytimes. com/2021/07/03/nyregion/american-flag-politics-polarization. html

A Fourth of July Symbol of Unity That May No Longer Unite

In a Long Island town, neighbors now make assumptions, true and sometimes false, about people who conspicuously display American flags.

Peter Treiber Jr., a farmer, said he was taken aback that a customer thought he was conservative because of the flag painted on his potato truck. Credit... Johnny Milano for The New York Times

By Sarah Maslin Nir July 3, 2021 Updated 4:32 p.m. ET

This "FUD" is not propaganda, nor hyperbole, nor division, nor exaggeration. It is, as Cristóbal J. Alex, president of the Latino Victory Fund told us, "The truth hurts, and so they lashed out". This is what leftists already believe.