I don't care if it's a "moderate", a "rational" or whatever prefixes do you have for these leftists who says they don't support the Marxist shenanigans in academia or the occurring Cultural Revolution happening all over the West over the past decade, they are lying. And you believing their lies that they're against it while not doing anything to oppose it only enables these primordial evil that's going on in the world today.
In short: "Don't believe their lies." Lying is as innate to them as they live.
Liberal and left-wing are distinct. If you support left-wing politics, you're already at the train station, likely soon to board that train.
The reality is liberal and left-wing are much abused terms. A sizeable portion of the Democrat constituency would be better described as progressives, or even radical progressives based on the policy they vote for. You can't unironically support equality of outcome, critical race theory and substantial government overreach while calling yourself a liberal.
Unfortunately, liberalism seems to have been yet another slippery slope. Whether inherently flawed or just vulnerable to subversion, it is in part how we arrived at this juncture.