We see the same thing all the time. "blah blah blah marginalized group doesn't have representation blah blah blah make more race and gender bending comics". They just wanna take what's popular, change it to their definition or "headcanon" and go about their business.
I'm gonna come up with a story all on my own. A housewife crashlands on a planet while on a cruise with her children on an interstellar trip to see her Federation Colonel husband. She crashes and is lost. Hurt and confused, but her children crash landed too, she tries to radio her husband for help but nothing, despite little training or resources she is determined to save her children.
There, a trad story with woman empowerment that feels natural. Wasn't fucking hard at all and took me 5 minutes. I know crashlanding stories are played out but at the rate hollywood is producing remakes I do not care.
But they do not want their own stories. They want OURS. The Force is female. The NFL is lesbian. They do not even care about the things we like or even want their own stories. They want what we like destroyed.
I wrote about it before, but women want control, while men often seek. This is why women throughout history seek to dominate their domain while men seek to expand or create new domains. Our gynocentric society makes the pursuit of new taboo. We must only do the approved, controllable content. This is also why men dominate comedy, not to say there haven’t been good female comedians, but they are minuscule in comparison. This is why our shows are female and diversity dominated, it restricts innovation.