Umm... No. Just like in the US, this bonehead ideology is any urban phenomenon, and the rural land owning people were not buying into it, and were taken advantage of. Forced to produce food for the commies, or moved to a gulag to reeducate, starved to death, or simply killed outright for being counterrevolutionary. Communism is NEVER truly about the working class, its about amassing centralized power. They convince the youth to go along with it by painting it as being for the workers... But people who actually make a living for themselves through actual work rather than complaints and mental masturbation have no interest in it. Do you know any communist farmers? I dont.
He killed more of his own people than he did nazis.
Kinda based considering they were mostly commies.
Umm... No. Just like in the US, this bonehead ideology is any urban phenomenon, and the rural land owning people were not buying into it, and were taken advantage of. Forced to produce food for the commies, or moved to a gulag to reeducate, starved to death, or simply killed outright for being counterrevolutionary. Communism is NEVER truly about the working class, its about amassing centralized power. They convince the youth to go along with it by painting it as being for the workers... But people who actually make a living for themselves through actual work rather than complaints and mental masturbation have no interest in it. Do you know any communist farmers? I dont.