What would your major examples be of shows that started of well but then became woke or pushed the usual "trendy" agendas? The first one that comes to mind for me would be Westworld. The first season was amazing, and the second season wasn't so bad, but I stopped watching after a few episodes of the third season when the one lady took out a criminal organization and then didn't kill the boss of the organization because she respected a woman in power.
If I were to bet, I would say this next season of Stranger Things will really sideline the four guys and star the shoehorned lesbian chick. The last season was the last I was going to watch because it seemed to turn into another girl power show.
I know it is a movie but I thought Logan was a good movie but the more I think of it the more I realize that was the first example I saw of the trend of the man dying and passing the torch to a much better female. I can see the new Indiana Jones movie doing that.
It's actually kind of funny how quickly it became irrelevant. Right up until the female doctor, I could barely use the internet without hearing whovians discuss the intricacies of their bad on purpose sci fi. But as soon as she stepped onto the screen, nothing. I haven't heard anyone talk about it since.
I know I shouldn't celebrate failure, but I can't help but feel smug about how the embrace of leftism instantly annihilated a show that endured for half a century. Maybe they'll come to their senses and rescue it, but I highly doubt it. They'd rather execute The Doctor in the town square than admit their divisive evil is divisive and evil.
Doctor Who died once before.
Then it literally regenerated and somewhat took the world by storm.
Although I'd argue a lot of that was built on the good work of Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and Russel T Davies instead of Steven Moffat (he started the downfall as far as I'm concerned), but my point still stands.
I loved the first three doctors of Nu-Who. They respected the classic doctors as well. Loved the Tom Baker Cameo in the 50th anniversary movie since he is my favorite doctor. Cap also wasn’t bad but once he got the “I’m a lesbian everyone” companion I was in and out and stopped for good after the first few Jodie episodes