There exist many who are unironically akin to Farquaad of Shrek. "Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice that I am willing to make." Some of those people are also known to be in positions of power. Some of them have, on record, in the past, called drone strikes on US citizens.
Justified droning or not aside, there are people in power who do not view the plebs as having value as living people, who are demented, insane, or psychopathic, who believe that ruling through fear is the right way to go.
Also, you're getting some baggage mixed up: A civil war is not an insurrection. They're different events. You seem to be arguing on nuking an insurrection or a riot, not a civil war. Battle lines have not been drawn, territory not declared/claimed. That is not a civil war.
In the US civil war, there were people in the North, and in the South, who objected to the rules and decisions of their respective leaderships. There were even turncoats! But the North's army didn't check for dissident views before marching through a city in the south. The South's army didn't verify political views before firing on an encampment in the north. It wasn't an insurrection, it was a war, and if you were in the enemy's territory, you were the enemy. That makes it easy to call a bombing run on the area. How do you know which side they are? They're not your territory, and you didn't order any troops to march there. Thus, they're ALL enemies. Even ones sympathetic to your cause. Because it's war. And war sucks.
There exist many who are unironically akin to Farquaad of Shrek. "Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice that I am willing to make." Some of those people are also known to be in positions of power. Some of them have, on record, in the past, called drone strikes on US citizens.
Justified droning or not aside, there are people in power who do not view the plebs as having value as living people, who are demented, insane, or psychopathic, who believe that ruling through fear is the right way to go.
Also, you're getting some baggage mixed up: A civil war is not an insurrection. They're different events. You seem to be arguing on nuking an insurrection or a riot, not a civil war. Battle lines have not been drawn, territory not declared/claimed. That is not a civil war.
In the US civil war, there were people in the North, and in the South, who objected to the rules and decisions of their respective leaderships. There were even turncoats! But the North's army didn't check for dissident views before marching through a city in the south. The South's army didn't verify political views before firing on an encampment in the north. It wasn't an insurrection, it was a war, and if you were in the enemy's territory, you were the enemy. That makes it easy to call a bombing run on the area. How do you know which side they are? They're not your territory, and you didn't order any troops to march there. Thus, they're ALL enemies. Even ones sympathetic to your cause. Because it's war. And war sucks.