A suggestion was made (CRT); consent was given (banned); and so conflict of reason (truth vs false) was established as division by means of suggestion. Now those who are in conflict with each other can be indefinitely harvested for their ignorance; while maintained by suggested contradictions to reason.
Not consenting to the suggestions of others (beliefs) prevents participation within conflict (reason)...use implication (if/then) instead of reason (true vs false) and you will quickly be able to spot the suggestions try to trick you to ignore free will of choice.
Take that literally... "against" "words" aka contradiction is defined by words. Belief in truth by consent to suggested "words" is what allows others to "contradict" the believed truth with lies. The entire conflict (of reason) is defined by words suggested by form to other form within flow...while ignoring that flow defines form without using words.
Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce.
"striking together" represents friction between motion (velocity) and momentum (resistance), which implies momentum under the authority of motion, yet also that for form to be able to resist the authority of flow, it requires the sole authority over self (free will of choice over action) to be able to adapt (balance through choice) as form within flow.
The parasite use suggestion to get us to consent to ignore the internal conflict of resistance to flow for the self sustenance of form; to instead participate in the conflict of reason (true versus false; based on consenting to suggested beliefs (-isms).
Question the following quote...
Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce.
Nature does not suggest words (defined information) it offers inspiration to our senses by moving form within flow; which makes us perceive differences; which is needed to inspire ONE to sustain ONEself within ALL. If every ONE is alike; then what inspires ONE to sustain ONEself?
A suggestion was made (CRT); consent was given (banned); and so conflict of reason (truth vs false) was established as division by means of suggestion. Now those who are in conflict with each other can be indefinitely harvested for their ignorance; while maintained by suggested contradictions to reason.
Not consenting to the suggestions of others (beliefs) prevents participation within conflict (reason)...use implication (if/then) instead of reason (true vs false) and you will quickly be able to spot the suggestions try to trick you to ignore free will of choice.
CONTRADICTION, noun (From Latin contrā "against" + dic "to speak")
Take that literally... "against" "words" aka contradiction is defined by words. Belief in truth by consent to suggested "words" is what allows others to "contradict" the believed truth with lies. The entire conflict (of reason) is defined by words suggested by form to other form within flow...while ignoring that flow defines form without using words.
CONFLICT, noun (From Latin From Latin conflīctus “a striking together”)
"striking together" represents friction between motion (velocity) and momentum (resistance), which implies momentum under the authority of motion, yet also that for form to be able to resist the authority of flow, it requires the sole authority over self (free will of choice over action) to be able to adapt (balance through choice) as form within flow.
The parasite use suggestion to get us to consent to ignore the internal conflict of resistance to flow for the self sustenance of form; to instead participate in the conflict of reason (true versus false; based on consenting to suggested beliefs (-isms).
Question the following quote...
Nature does not suggest words (defined information) it offers inspiration to our senses by moving form within flow; which makes us perceive differences; which is needed to inspire ONE to sustain ONEself within ALL. If every ONE is alike; then what inspires ONE to sustain ONEself?