My hometown is as deep blue as it comes and masking is still the norm. Most stores still require it and you STILL see people in cars alone, walking down the street, even jogging(!) wearing masks. I never wore masks outside and regularly got dirty looks from maskers while hiking or walking down the street.
I'm on vacation now to a red area and it's such a relief to be gone from that. I didn't even realize how oppressive the constant masking is. I took my kid to a playground yesterday that must have had 50-60 people (kids and adults) and not a single mask in sight. My kid was nervous at first (he's had to mask at school for 8 hours a day), and now he can't shut up about how great it is not to wear masks.
It's wonderful.
Get your kid out of that school. He'd be better off if you dropped him off alone in a junkyard for 8 hours a day.
I cannot believe these weak bitches’ excuses for why they are masking their kids. Op posting like he awake but he is herd bound. Muh kid’s schoool in shit.
Meh, untwist your panties. I mask when a store or business owner asks. It's their property; I want people to respect the rules of my business, seems fair to do the same in return.
My state has a statewide school mask mandate. Even with my kid in a charter school, the rule applies. The alternative offered by the school is staying virtual. I'd rather have in-person with a mask than more virtual. I argued against the rule, more parents argued for it. The maskers won.
You say you want people to respect the rules of a business and it seems fair to do the same in return, yet you don’t expect them to respect you!? You have always had the choice, own it, never put one on again, and stop making your child wear one. The maskers don’t win, they are the type of people who just keep taking and taking more and more, insatiable. You can make each outing a battle and win. It inspires people around you, I know for a fact from experience. You just need to take back what is yours, it’s simple.