Consent to believe in suggested value (money) devalues choice (free will) of evaluation; usury consolidates all consented to monetary value (ignorance of free will) into the illegitimate ownership of the few; who utilize it then to put participating in reality behind a paywall of compliance to suggested self destruction.
ONEs free will of choice within ALL is not to claim ownership; but about utilizing ALL offered for the sustenance of ONEself.
Money does not exist within reality; consenting to suggested value of money represents ignoring reality; ignoring reality represents ignoring to sustain oneself within reality; ignorance of self sustenance represents want over need aka falling for a temptation luring one towards death.
permanent capital competing with
CAPITAL, adjective - "literally, pertaining to the head; figuratively, as the head is the highest part of a man, chief; principal; first in importance". ONE represents the temporary "capital" within ongoing conflict.
Primary (homegrown); secondary (barter), and after that I did learn to enjoy haggling; I buy bulk and most supermarket stuff I buy through the back entrance. As for long as the faith (ignorance) of the many in money exits; so long will the few exploit them for it, and me comprehending both sides means I have access to infinite (temptation), as well as the dedication to only ever use what I need. In other words...I don't want money; which is why money is always attracted to me.
Perceive symptom; suggest poison to corrupt comprehension of cause. In other words "prescription ignorance administered through suggestion".
MED'ICINE, noun [Latin medicina, from medeor, to cure]. Adherence to flow cures form...CURE, noun [Latin, to cure to take care, to prepare.] aka forms responsibility over self within flow.
Consent to believe in suggested value (money) devalues choice (free will) of evaluation; usury consolidates all consented to monetary value (ignorance of free will) into the illegitimate ownership of the few; who utilize it then to put participating in reality behind a paywall of compliance to suggested self destruction.
ONEs free will of choice within ALL is not to claim ownership; but about utilizing ALL offered for the sustenance of ONEself.
Money does not exist within reality; consenting to suggested value of money represents ignoring reality; ignoring reality represents ignoring to sustain oneself within reality; ignorance of self sustenance represents want over need aka falling for a temptation luring one towards death.
CAPITAL, adjective - "literally, pertaining to the head; figuratively, as the head is the highest part of a man, chief; principal; first in importance". ONE represents the temporary "capital" within ongoing conflict.
I want to watch you buying groceries
Primary (homegrown); secondary (barter), and after that I did learn to enjoy haggling; I buy bulk and most supermarket stuff I buy through the back entrance. As for long as the faith (ignorance) of the many in money exits; so long will the few exploit them for it, and me comprehending both sides means I have access to infinite (temptation), as well as the dedication to only ever use what I need. In other words...I don't want money; which is why money is always attracted to me.
Take your meds.
Perceive symptom; suggest poison to corrupt comprehension of cause. In other words "prescription ignorance administered through suggestion".
MED'ICINE, noun [Latin medicina, from medeor, to cure]. Adherence to flow cures form...CURE, noun [Latin, to cure to take care, to prepare.] aka forms responsibility over self within flow.