posted ago by Ahaus667 ago by Ahaus667 +35 / -2

If you haven’t realized by now our government, media, academia, and businesses have been heavily feminized since the 60’s. What is not being taught is that this did not bring balance to workplaces but made them female sensitivity dictatorships. When we look at gender values, men value freedom and independence from each other, as most male species in existence do. The female gender values in nature are to control an environment or domain, this is why we often see male wanderers and female settlers in nature. When man first began agriculture and settling, the men still wandered, they would traverse areas to find new prospects while women maintained the domain. This structure is also seen in the nuclear family where the father leaves for work while the mother maintains the household. What we have seen in recent history is the demand for men to cede their territory, in this example it would be the workplace so that women could also control the space. This has made men to wander and seek new bastions free of the matriarchal control that females seek. The idea that a space can be shared when one side wants the freedom to act independently while the other seeks to force dependency onto each member leaves a matriarchal environment not a shared space. This neutering of men, as I have said many times, has left them without purpose. We are forced to learn like girls, work like girls, and interact with each other like girls. This unnatural and inhumane treatment has left men lost, but has also drastically damaged women as well. Women of today have no structure because they have no male counterbalance in society, they have become maenads, only seeking to sate temporary desires. This is the end result of the insanity that social sciences push, the idea that men and women are “the same” and not very distinctive biological sexes with very different natural inclinations is poisoning our society.