The amount of North Americans who are dependent on sleeping pills is unfathomable.
There's clear guidance that sedative use for any more than a few days/few weeks more or less irrevocably harms the natural sleep-wake cycle and makes people permanently dependent on pills to sleep in any form, even with tolerance building and diminishing returns.
Most patients don't give a shit. They only can about getting to sleep tonight ASAP and don't see anything wrong with requiring a pill every night for decades, other than occasionally coming back demanding "something stronger" when it evitably stops working.
The amount of North Americans who are dependent on sleeping pills is unfathomable.
There's clear guidance that sedative use for any more than a few days/few weeks more or less irrevocably harms the natural sleep-wake cycle and makes people permanently dependent on pills to sleep in any form, even with tolerance building and diminishing returns.
Most patients don't give a shit. They only can about getting to sleep tonight ASAP and don't see anything wrong with requiring a pill every night for decades, other than occasionally coming back demanding "something stronger" when it evitably stops working.