It sounds like an anime or video game and even has some anime chick in the logo but every time I see topics from here come up on my feed they are always political in nature.
Are you like some video game message board that spun-out into into meta memes and topics about anything like GameFAQs LUE or something?
Who said anyone's life is focused on sex?
I don't think you'll find much pushback here if you point out that Pride parades are degenerate public displays of sexuality, but I'm all for people watching sexy anime alone in their own home.
It is possible to jack off to hentai twice a week, and be a functioning member of society with numerous other non-sexual hobbies, and a full time job.
You sound like a bible-thumping relic from a bygone era. I don't know know about anyone else here, but if ever a day comes that the lefties are well and truly defeated, I won't hesitate to start rallying against people on the right who want to tell me my hobbies are satanic, immoral, or whatever else is against their weird cult's worldview. Same annoying pieces of shit, just wearing a different coloured shirt and the buzzwords swapped out with a different set.
This guy has a pretty good take on porn and jerking off.
I am a right wing populist and I completely disagree with John Doyle's zealous rhetoric on this topic.
Many of us on the right despise the "progressive" authoritarian left and yet zealots like John Doyle foolishly will brand the rising America first movement as the right wing equivalent of authoritarianism.
There is a growing number of misguided larping tradcon zoomers like John Doyle, Red Eagle Politics and Vince Dao who will doom the growing new working class right coalition by pushing this foolish puritan tradcuckery.
I agree with them that it is imperative to stop the degeneracy of pride parades, drag queen library readings and transgender ideology in schools but their interest in waging a war on even adults watching sexually explicit anime is downright retarded.
Because of Trump the right finally started attracting a large amount of working class people, pushing this moral authoritarian nonsense will erode our coalition and ensure that progressives will win in ushering in all their radical ideas.
America is rooted on morality. This idea of total liberty to do whatever was never the intention of the country and it always leads to leftism.
Nice cherrypicking of quotes you got there.
If we followed the lead of tradcon zealots like John Doyle then the left wouldn't even need to cheat with mail in ballots to "win" elections.
I see too many tradcon zoomers evoking the founders to justify their tradcon authoritarian desires.
You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.
Marriage today has become a sucker's game for men.
Women are incentivized by the welfare state to divorce men and take half of their assets.
Banning porn, anime and hentai won't fix any of the real problems which include, globalism leading to the loss of good paying jobs for men, cultural marxism leading to a general lack of personal accountability, rampant female hypergamy where women have unreasonable standards for men and rampant feminism where women are taught to use men for self gain.
Too many naive tradcon zoomers like John Doyle are obsessed with pushing young men to blindly get married and pop out kids without actually examining the current state of the world and the real problems behind it.
Banning porn, sexually explicit anime and hentai is like putting a bandaid on a cancer patient. It does nothing to address the real problems.