All I remember about GamerGate is, it inspired Hotweels to create 8chan. Which I thought was kinda weird, and I thought whatever, I guess it's cool that it created this cool new website. I didn't give a single fuck about GamerGate because I thought game reviews and SJWs were retarded.
But now I guess I gotta know what went down, because it managed to fuck up the entire planet. So can someone give me an explanation of what happened? Obviously Googling it is gonna give me heavily biased information so.....
This is a very, very short version, but, essentially, GamerGate represented the first time that a bunch of social justice types showed up mob-handed in any cultural arena and were forced to leave not even empty handed but with something less than total domination.
This not being the script, the culture warriors of gaming called in their friends, and the conflict spread wider and wider, well beyond the sphere of gaming, until we're now at a stage where mainstream political discourse essentially consists of culture warriors detailing the demographics they despise while at the same time demanding fealty from those demographics.
Yeah this is the biggest part of it. It was the culmination of a lot of brewing issues. For the most part it as a split between people just wanting to enjoy games and get honest and straightforward news, and getting propaganda which they can use to boost their social standing.
Due to the tactics of archiving incessantly and coordinated advertiser campaigns we were able to push back against various things. And it turned out that nobody actually wanted to keep our readership by providing news that was more tailored to people who cared about games instead of progressive politics.