From a technical standpoint. Web 2.0. Until 2010ish most services and websites were server operated. Ie 1 website was ran by 1 server and it was either ran from the businesses own computer/s or a self managed server blade in a warehouse. The websites and info were primarily stored and owned by the creators.
"Cloud computing" took off properly, starting in the domain of music and file sharing services (Spotify, Dropbox).
So companies started moving to that style of website service. You'd no longer have your own server or blade. It would be shared with several others, using premade templates. ALL your data would be kept server host side. Which meant that when SJWism rose you effectively gave all that power over to your service hosts to permit, deny or modify your own damned websites.
This is what we call the Internet now. Web 2.0.
The old style servers and websites still exist, but they are prone to dox ing, domain name takedown and are easy targets for hostile action. Causing them to either shutdown or migrate to Web 2.0 for safety among others.
From a technical standpoint. Web 2.0. Until 2010ish most services and websites were server operated. Ie 1 website was ran by 1 server and it was either ran from the businesses own computer/s or a self managed server blade in a warehouse. The websites and info were primarily stored and owned by the creators.
"Cloud computing" took off properly, starting in the domain of music and file sharing services (Spotify, Dropbox).
So companies started moving to that style of website service. You'd no longer have your own server or blade. It would be shared with several others, using premade templates. ALL your data would be kept server host side. Which meant that when SJWism rose you effectively gave all that power over to your service hosts to permit, deny or modify your own damned websites.
This is what we call the Internet now. Web 2.0. The old style servers and websites still exist, but they are prone to dox ing, domain name takedown and are easy targets for hostile action. Causing them to either shutdown or migrate to Web 2.0 for safety among others.