Telegram doesn't have end-to-end ecryption enabled by default. I think only secret chats are end-to-end encrypted whereas everything else isn't. Telegram has their own encryption which hasn't been audited by a third party last time I checked.
to have what it considers permissible content? How would anyone ever know?
Well, as far I know Telegram doesn't go snooping around people's chats, channels or groups. Usually, someone from within complains/snitches and then Telegram checks it out. But I think Telegram usually leave groups and channels alone considering Telegram allows protesters to organize using the app.
Telegram doesn't have end-to-end ecryption enabled by default. I think only secret chats are end-to-end encrypted whereas everything else isn't. Telegram has their own encryption which hasn't been audited by a third party last time I checked.
Well, as far I know Telegram doesn't go snooping around people's chats, channels or groups. Usually, someone from within complains/snitches and then Telegram checks it out. But I think Telegram usually leave groups and channels alone considering Telegram allows protesters to organize using the app.